Our Mission

The goal of the TBCRC is to conduct innovative, high impact, biologically-driven translational and clinical research.  Our mission is to lessen the burden of breast cancer by using a multidisciplinary approach to discover novel mechanisms of breast cancer pathogenesis and test innovative, basic science-based therapeutic strategies.

Our History

The Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium (TBCRC) is a collaborative group founded in 2005 to conduct innovative and high-impact clinical trials for breast cancer. The TBCRC is composed of eighteen clinical sites, five core subcommittees/ working groups (WGs) comprised of a Correlative Science WG and four other groups organized around various breast cancer phenotypes (including the Triple Negative WG, the HER2 Resistance WG, the Endocrine Resistance WG, and the Locoregional Disease WG), four interest groups (IGs) including the Radiation Therapy, Patient Reported Outcomes, Immuno-Oncology, and Social Media IGs, the Diversity Task Force, a patient advocate WG, a study coordinator WG, a contracts/ administrators WG, and a Central Office.  Collectively, these groups work together to foster trial development in a collegial environment that enhances cross-institutional collaborations.


Central Office

Chief Scientific Officer

Chief Operating Officer

Cindy Morin

Business Manager

Robyn Burns, Ph.D.

Program Manager

Executive Committee

Johns Hopkins University

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Yale University

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Yale University

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Mayo Clinic Cancer Center

University of Washington School of Medicine/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Baylor College of Medicine

Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center

Steering Committee

University of Pittsburgh

Duke University Medical Cancer Center

University of Pennsylvania

Johns Hopkins University

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Georgetown University

Yale University

University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center

MD Anderson Cancer Center

University of California San Francisco

Yale University

Montefiore Medical Center

Vanderbilt University

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Mayo Clinic Cancer Center

University of Washington School of Medicine/ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

University of Chicago Medical Center

Baylor College of Medicine

Dana-Farber/ Harvard Cancer Center

Subcommittee Chairs

Contracts and Administrators Working Group

Cindy Morin,

Johns Hopkins University

Michelle Sloan,

Johns Hopkins University

Correlative Science Working Group

Adrian Lee, Ph.D.,

University of Pittsburgh

Andrea Richardson, M.D., Ph.D.,

Johns Hopkins University

Diversity Task Force

Cesar Santa Maria, M.D.,

Johns Hopkins University

Erica Stringer-Reasor, M.D.,

University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center

Endocrine Resistance Working Group

Claudine Isaacs, M.D.,

Georgetown University

Komal Jhaveri, M.D.,

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

HER2 Resistance Working Group

Mothaffar Rimawi, M.D.,

Baylor College of Medicine

Nancy Lin, M.D.,

Dana-Farber/ Harvard Cancer Center

Immuno-Oncology Interest Group

Elizabeth Mittendorf, M.D., Ph.D.,

Dana-Farber/ Harvard Cancer Center

Justin Balko, Pharm.D., Ph.D.,

Vanderbilt University

Locoregional Disease Working Group

Alastair Thompson, M.D.,

Baylor College of Medicine

Gaorav Gupta, M.D., Ph.D.,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Patient Advocate Working Group

Jamie LaScala

Thelma Brown

Pre-Operative Radiation Therapy Interest Group

Alice Ho, M.D.,

Duke University Medical Cancer Center

Gaorav Gupta, M.D., Ph.D.,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

PRO Interest Group

Eileen Shinn, Ph.D.,

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Michelle Melisko, M.D.,

University of California San Francisco

Social Media Interest Group

Meghan Flanagan, M.D.,

University of Washington School of Medicine/ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Puneet Singh, M.D.,

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Statistical Advisory Committee

Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer, Ph.D.,


Sue Hilsenbeck, Ph.D.,

Baylor College of Medicine

Study Coordinator Working Group

Amanda Spratt,

University of Chicago Medical Center

Jennifer Savoie,

Dana-Farber/ Harvard Cancer Center

Michelle DeMeo,

Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center

Rometa Pollard,

University of Pittsburgh

Triple Negative Working Group

Hope Rugo, M.D.,

University of California San Francisco

Rita Nanda, M.D.,

University of Chicago Medical Center